Hello everyone! Once again, this is your friendly neighborhood site admin. After a long time putting it off, I've finally upgraded the software that runs this site to a new version. I've been avoiding doing it for a while because some of the modules that ran the old version of the site were abandoned and never got upgraded. But it's become unavoidable that I needed to move to a new version so here we are. You may notice some changes like in the forums the author block that normally sits to the left of your forum post isn't formatted like it used to be, etc. That's the kind of stuff that was lost. Functionally, the site (should) more or less work the same as it used to. There's a bunch of tweaking that I had to do during the upgrade process. I THINK I caught most of the important stuff, but if you see something that doesn't work right, feel free to reach out to me here by leaving a comment or sending a contact message, or email me directly at michael@platypustheory.com to let me know, and I'll try to get everything fixed. Now's also a really good time to do feature requests. If it's reasonable, I'll put it in.