Hello World

Welcome to Social Stim.  This is our first news article. Our new site is up and running. You may notice some new ads on the site. These help pay the bill for hosting our website and help to pay for professional web development services to help with site maintenance. and upgrades. DrClockwork has paid the bills for Socialstim on his own for the last two years. We have the option to allow ads to help pay him for his work, and what he provides us. If you see something in one of the ads you enjoy please feel free to pursue this enjoyment. We are all here to have fun. 

I regret to inform you guys that I did infact loose nearly 2 years of our communities forum posts. That is two years of our history. I was disheartened with this when I was told it was un-recoverable, by Dr Clockwork. He didn't loose it, I made a mistake when using a very powerful site administration tool, to add a forum for a community member. I thought I had done what was needed and clicked save. This was my first mistake, I was running on 3 days with very little sleep after flying back from a convention, (Not an excuse) I failed to adhear to my number one rule, preview your changes before clicking save.  When the change didn't look right I broke my second rule, dont't delete something that looks different from every other time you have successfully preformed an opperation, (go get your supervisor)., I have beat myself up over this more than any of you could possible do for me. The Important thing to remember is that our mp3  files are safe , right where we left them, on our cloud drives, our pictures are safe right where we left them, safe on our cloud drives., and our videos are safe on cloud drives too. Our sharing model here on socialstim works and works well, because it is a distributed file system, meaning it isn't stored, all of it, in the same palce. Remember the fables when we were kids about storing all of our eggs in one basket? Our cloud drives are still there with our files. What we need from our members is for them toi navagate to the proper directories in our fourms, and make a post describing what it is you have to share , and then post the link to your cloud drive so that we may rebuild our database in a very short time.

The humiliation of the mess I made of our discussion forums , has not mde me want to give up. It has made me want to work evermore harder to make this the best Estim site we have at our disposable, and to find beter and safer ways to handle our data. rather than give up, I have been studying with DrClockwork to become a better admin, and be better able to respond to your needs as users of the socialstim forums.

As we start to use the shinny new site, we will need to reset passwords if yours doesnt let you in., If you fail to get your emailed password, please email me at bigtip.socialstim@gmail.com

Include in your letter the user name you have on the socialstim server, and the password that you want to use. Please be patient, as I get these passwords manually reset I will send you a reply email telling you it's live. I have had a Blast serving here for the last two years, and I hope for it to be many more.

You will notice a new chat system, it allows private chats, and global chats of upto 10 people. this should be enough 10 users is free, if we decide we want more, then, the idea is to pay for a larger service. 

Have fun guys the site is a lot more durable and faster than before , let's get our links and text articals out and posted so that we can start helping they ones of us who have never been exposed to our wonderful hobby until now....